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2022 CCC SPONSORSHIP Registration
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Register to become a Sponsor of the 2022 Cold Climate Conference!

2/24/2022 to 2/26/2022
When: Thursday, February 24th
Where: Mayo Civic Center
30 Civic Center Dr SE
Rochester, Minnesota  55902
United States
Contact: Jenny Ellenbecker

Online registration is closed.
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Become a Sponsor of the 

16th Annual Cold Climate Grape and Wine Conference

February 24-26, 2022

Rochester, MN at the Mayo Civic Center


All Sponsorships Include:

Signage at the event.

Logo recognition on the conference website and all print and digital media.

Prime placement on the trade show floor.


2022 Official Conference Sponsor - $5,000

               Your name and logo will appear on all conference advertising

               4 tickets to the Saturday dinner

               4 tickets to the Winter Wine tasting event

               Prime placement on the trade show floor

       Recognition as the official sponsor in all print and digital media, link to your website and back cover full page in the conference program.


Conference Tote Bags - $900

  Your name on the official conference tote.

               ¼ page ad inside the conference program.


Dinner Sponsor – $600

               You will have signage during the banquet and presentation on the presentation screen

               4  Tickets to the Winter wine Fest or 2 Tickets to the award Banquet.

               Recognition as a sponsor in all print and digital media.

                ¼ page ad inside the conference program


Coffee Break Sponsor - $1,200

               Great opportunity to be in front of all attendees!! Who doesn't love coffee in the morning?

               Your company logo will appear on the tables during the coffee breaks.

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               Link to your website

               ½ Page ad inside the conference program.


Viticulture Breakout Sessions Sponsor - $1,600

Sponsorship acknowledgement through the signage and power point slides during the viticulture sessions. 

               2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest

2 tickets to the Friday dinner

               2 $100 off Conference Registration coupons to share with your VIP customers

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               Link to your website.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and on Facebook and MGGA website. 


Enology Breakout Session Sponsor - $1,600

               Sponsorship acknowledgement through the signage and power point slides during the enology  sessions. 

               2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest

               2 $100 off Conference Registration coupons to share with your VIP customers

               2 tickets to the Friday dinner

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               Link to your website.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and on Facebook and MGGA website.  


Business Breakout Session Sponsor -$1,600

               Sponsorship acknowledgement through the signage and power point slides during the enology  sessions. 

               2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest

               2 tickets to the Friday dinner

               2 $100 off Conference Registration coupons to share with your VIP customers

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               Link to your website.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and on Facebook and MGGA website.


Official Conference Glassware Sponsor - $2,000

As the Official Conference Glassware Sponsor you will have acknowledgement through signage during the Winter Wine Fest, and the awards dinner banquet.  

               25% off booth price

               2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest

               2 $100 off Conference Registration coupons to share with your VIP customers

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               Link to your website.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and featured on Facebook and MGGA website.


Official Conference Lunch Sponsor - $1,500

               Be the official lunch Sponsor during the conference.  Signage at all tables during the Lunch.

                2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest 

               Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and featured on  Facebook and MGGA website.


Official Media Sponsor- $2000 

               The Official Media Sponsor of all media promotions for the conference.

               2 Tickets to the Winter Wine Fest 

               Link to your website.

               ½ page ad in the conference program and featured on  Facebook and MGGA website.


Winter Wine Fest Sponsor -$3000

               The official sponsor of the Winter Wine Fest. Savor the best of local wine and food.

                Recognitions as a Sponsor in all print and digital media of the Winter Wine Fest

Logo will appear on all the Winter wine fest marketing – brochures and program for night.

Ad in the brochure for the night at the Winter wine fest that will also be included in the conference program. 

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