Join us for the Cold Climate Conference and Annual Meeting in Stillwater Feb. 25-26th!
Should we become the Minnesota Wine & Grape Alliance? View the proposed by-laws changes HERE. We plan to vote on the changes at the Annual Membership Meeting on February 25th.
Interested in joining the Board of Directors? CLICK HERE to fill out a nomination form and we'll get back to you!

Growing Grapes in Minnesota
The continuing demand for Growing Grapes in Minnesota by growers, extension services, foreign affiliates, libraries, and others since the original publication has been encouraging to the members of the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. This is the tenth revision of the original text, and includes Best Management Practices inserted into each section.
The objective in all editions has been to provide updated information regarding cold climate viticulture and to update the text with new practical and technical developments. This edition also has been updated with current facts and figures, and introduces best management practices to enable growers to rate their current practices to the expectations of a well-managed vineyard. It is hoped that the material presented will be a useful reference and practical guide to grape growing in northern regions with severe winters.
Click to download the Growing Grapes in Minnesota manual
Vineyard Best Practices Videos
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Shoot Trimming Hedging VSP

Balanced VSP Pruning

Leaf Pulling VSP and High C