Join us for the Cold Climate Conference and Annual Meeting in Stillwater Feb. 25-26th!
Should we become the Minnesota Wine & Grape Alliance? View the proposed by-laws changes HERE. We plan to vote on the changes at the Annual Membership Meeting on February 25th.
Interested in joining the Board of Directors? CLICK HERE to fill out a nomination form and we'll get back to you!
About Us
Welcome to the Minnesota Grape Growers Association! We are a membership-based organization dedicated to supporting and promoting grape growing across the state. Our community is a great place for you to connect with other grape growers, share your experiences, and learn from experts in the field.
Our Mission
At the Minnesota Grape Growers Association, our mission is to provide valuable resources, workshops, and events to help our members enhance their grape growing skills. We are committed to fostering a thriving grape growing community and advancing the knowledge and techniques in viticulture.
Click here for MGGA Bylaws.

Growing Grapes in Minnesota
The continuing demand for Growing Grapes in Minnesota by growers, extension services, libraries, and others has been encouraging to the members of the MGGA. This is the tenth revision of the original text and includes Best Management Practices inserted into each section.